
|9 7 02|

September 14, October Skies is playing w/ Blind Luck at 242, 7:00pm - $5

|6 21 02|

July 12 - Contois (City Hall) - w/ Red Letter Day, Boys Go To War, Subside, Flat Stanley and Weaselhead

|6 01 02|

Thank you for all the people that showed up at the Annex on the 31rst. The show was a hit and we enjoyed playing. Feel welcome to book us anytime...

|5 01 02|

May 31rst, @ The Annex w/ 13th Chair, The Magic is Gone, Swingset Hands, The Foodstamps, Weaselhead, The Bazookas, Wreckinghorn (Reunion), and Gargantua Soul

|4 17 02|
The mp3s are here! You can get them at

|4 10 02|
The mp3s are almost here! In a couple days they will be available to download at

|4 8 02|
If you would like to book October Skies for a show/party, please contact us at
Pictures and mp3s will be up soon...

|4 7 02|
The new web site is finally coming up, I took my time but it's here.

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